R for cats and cat lovers


# How to contribute

# If you like git

  1. Fork https://github.com/sckott/rforcats to your account
  2. Clone down to your machine from your account
  3. Add an upstream remote for the sckott/rforcats repo by doing git remote add upstream git@github.com:sckott/rforcats.git
  4. Make a new feature branch
  5. The only file to change is index.Rmd. It’s a R markdown document, which is essentially just Markdown, so should be easy to add to/change. After you make your changes, run knit("index.Rmd") in R, which will build a new index.md. If you have time/interest, also build the html page by doing jekyll build. This requires jekyll of course. You can also preview the site by doing jekyll serve, then navigate in your browser to http://localhost:4000
  6. Commit those changes and push to your account
  7. Send a pull request to sckott/rforcats

# If you like git, but aren’t that familiar with R

  1. Fork https://github.com/sckott/rforcats to your account
  2. Clone down to your machine from your account
  3. Add an upstream remote for the sckott/rforcats repo by doing git remote add upstream git@github.com:sckott/rforcats.git
  4. Make a new feature branch
  5. The only file to change is index.Rmd. It’s a R markdown document, which is essentially just Markdown, so should be easy to add to/change.
  6. Commit changes and push to your account
  7. Send a pull request to sckott/rforcats

# If you don’t like git (or, I don’t know what git is)

  1. Go to the index.Rmd file in the rforcats GitHub repository
  2. Edit whatever you want
  3. Then write a message in the box at the bottom, and press the green button Propose file change. This will make a fork of the repo to your github account. You then can write any other message you want and press another green button Send pull request
  4. The end!

# Issues/bugs/questions/feature requests

If you want to submit an issue (bug report/question/feature request/etc.), go to the issues page and do that.

Thanks for contributing whether you or your cat wrote the code!!!!!

# Contributors



  • the orange fur ball at the bottom of the page: Leo (aka boom boom, muffin, goose, goosie, bumpkin, goosebump, kitten face, kitten butt, monkey, monkey butt, sa sa, leo the lion, and more)

CC0 To the extent possible under law, Scott Chamberlain has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to rforcats. This work is published from: United States.